Bank Robbery 1929 Farmers State Bank, Pequot Lakes, MN

Bank Robbery 1929 Farmers State Bank, Pequot Lakes, MN

Wednesday, August 28th, 1929 featured “Breaking News” of an armed robbery at the Farmer’s State Bank in Pequot Lakes, MN.  The news was recorded in the Pequot Review on August 30th’s, 1929 edition.  The photos are of the headline and articles covering the theft of almost $8,000 in cash along with $900 in bonds and precious stones.  Also included is a picture of one of the ancestors of our residents, Michael Hartwig and Becky Lynn.  Ingeborg Hartwig was at the bank during the time of the robbery along with her daughter Grace.  She is the great grandmother of Michael Hartwig and the great great grandmother of Becky Lynn.